
What Are the Physical Demands of a Professional Coach?

  • Fitness

    • To keep his players safe, healthy and performing their best, a professional coach must have an intimate understanding of physical fitness. This understanding is especially important regarding fitness limits and capabilities specific to his sport. This understanding is achieved partly through many years of playing the sport he coaches. Although a professional coach is not required to be anywhere near as fit as he was during his playing years, he must remain active to understand what the players are going through in practices, drills and conditioning. Before the coach can recommend a drill or conditioning regimen, he must have performed it himself, used it on players in the past and measured its effectiveness. By taking himself to his physical limit, the coach can better gauge when his players are exhausted and overworked. He will also know how to safely push limits to improve performance.


    • Professional players come to a professional team after many years of experience in their sport. For this reason, a professional coach will not have to demonstrate plays and strategies excessively. However, a sport changes drastically from the college to the professional level. When players cannot understand a complicated strategy or play, a coach may have to demonstrate the details of a play or strategy in multiple positions.


    • Being a professional coach involves traveling, often on consecutive nights. Beyond planning, creating unique plays and strategies, reviewing upcoming opposing teams, managing a large staff and attending practices and games, a professional coach will travel with her team from state to state for away games. This lifestyle can result in irregular or inadequate sleep, irregular eating and exercise schedules, and stress.

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