
What Is a Dempsey Dumpster?

Dempsey Dumpsters, technically called "Dempster Dumpsters," were the original large-scale trash bins. In the parlance of 2010, the term "dumpster" is used for all huge garbage bins, not only those belonging to the Dempster brand.
  • Patent

    • In 1935, George Dempster developed a truck and trash bin to ease the removal of waste from construction sites. The truck was designed to pick up and dump a specialized bin, which he called a dumpster, and haul the trash away to the local landfill.


    • Dempstrre and his four brothers soon organized Dempster Brothers Incorporated, located in Knoxville, Tennessee, which specialized in the manufacture of Dempster dumpsters and trucks.


    • The dumpster was hooked to the back of the truck by two lengths of chain. It was then lifted and tipped by basic hydraulic cylinders and returned to the ground.


    • The Dempster Dumpster system was significant because it made commercial waste removal 75 percent cheaper, according to Fountaincitytnhistory.info, a website about Dempster's hometown.

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