
What Is the Most Popular Analysis Tool in Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a process-improvement methodology companies use to identify, evaluate and solve defects on a production line or business process. Six Sigma project managers deploy many statistical and analytical tools. The most popular tool is referred to as the Evolutionary Operation of Processes (EVOP).
  • Identification

    • EVOP helps project managers find a solution to defect problems. For example, once project managers use other Six Sigma tools to identify a defect and find the root cause, they use EVOP to find and deploy a solution to the problem. A solution is the ultimate goal of a Six Sigma project.


    • EVOP involves making small changes to the production line or business process during normal operations to find optimal operating conditions, which produce the highest quality output. Once project managers find the best solution, they modify the production line or process accordingly.


    • Project managers often face resistance from the corporate rank and file because Six Sigma projects change or disrupt the status quo. EVOP minimizes these concerns by making small changes with minimum disruption to normal operations.

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