
AA Traffic Information

The Automobile Association, (AA) is a UK-based roadside breakdown assistance organization. It was started in 1905 by a group of car enthusiasts in London with the aim of helping people learn the rules of driving.
  • Traffic News

    • As well as the company's roadside automobile assistance, AA has an online facility which can offer advice on traffic issues. The system consists of a map of all UK roads and is regularly updated to show areas with road construction and traffic delays.

    Route Planner

    • The AA also offers a route planning application which can be used to find the most efficient route from one place to another. Users can specify if they wish to avoid major roads and if they want to avoid toll roads or the congestion charges in place in some UK cities.

    Place Finder

    • The AA's system also consists of a comprehensive map listing most possible destinations and points of interest in the UK. By inputting the name or address of a destination, such as Stonehenge, the map will zoom to that area and local amenities in the area can be easily found.

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