
Background Information on Universal Healthcare

Universal healthcare refers to a healthcare system that provides services for all members of society. As of 2010, the United States remains the only industrialized nation without some form of universal healthcare, according to Health Care Problems.org.
  • Benefits

    • Universal healthcare encourages preventive and wellness care, which can treat conditions earlier and save money. Universal healthcare also ensures that all citizens receive healthcare, including people with preexisting conditions and those who can't afford insurance. Some people consider universal healthcare a basic human right.


    • Universal healthcare may not save money, according to some analysts. It also reduces competition in healthcare, which may reduce efficiency. Universal healthcare may force patients to wait longer for healthcare or may lead to poor patient care. Some people are also concerned about patient confidentiality.


    • According to the CDC, 21 percent of adults in the United States between the ages of 18 and 64 lack health insurance. Some 8.2 percent of children under 18 are uninsured, while 17.5 percent of adults over age 65 are uninsured.

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