
How to Change a Negative Attitude to a Positive Attitude

If you have a negative attitude, you can take the steps to change your way of thinking if you really want to. Your attitude has an effect on your life, so changing your negative attitude to a positive one will improve your relationships, job performance and even your health. There are a number of ways you can start changing your attitude, but positive thinking is a habit that isn't always easy to keep. Follow a few simple steps every day in your effort to change your negative attitude to a positive one.
    • 1

      Write down a few "affirmations" on a piece of paper and read them aloud each morning. Write phrases like, "No one can effect how I feel, because I choose how I feel," or "I am a positive person who focuses on the good things in life." Even if you don't believe what you are saying at first, the more you say these phrases, the more real they will become.

    • 2

      Start a work-out regimen. Choose a time of the day that best suits you and do some basic exercises, like stretching, jumping jacks or running in place. You can add more to your work out, of course, but breaking a sweat will release endorphins. Endorphins are a chemical in your brain that naturally makes you feel good, which helps you to think more positively.

    • 3

      Go on a day or a night out with a few people who have positive attitudes. The more you hang out with optimists, the more their positivity will rub off onto you. Inversely, the more optimistic you become, the more optimistic people you will attract into your life. Try to stay away from people with negative attitudes as much as possible.

    • 4

      Close the door and create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom so you can meditate or just sit and reflect on the good things in life. This is ideal for when you've had a hard day because it requires little effort. Light a candle or incense of your favorite scent, turn on some upbeat music that you like and sit in a comfortable position. Take a few deep, calming breaths. Close your eyes and create a relaxing picture in your head of a sunset or the beach. Stay focused on your breathing and the image in your head for as long as you can.

    • 5

      Write in a gratitude journal. Buy a notebook or journal and dedicate it to writing down all the good things that happen to you. Make a list of the things that made you happy that day, before you go to sleep at night, or wait until the end of the week. Doing this everyday is more beneficial because the events are still fresh in your mind and you will start making a habit of focusing on the positive things, no matter how small.

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