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Reverse search for a company at an online business directory such as Superpages. Use the "Advanced Search" and enter the information you have -- a phone number or address -- into the relevant search fields to see what companies match that information.
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Use a specialty business directory like Dun & Bradstreet. You can reverse search on an address or phone number and can also search on a company's DUNS number -- a unique identifier widely used by businesses.
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Consult a librarian. Libraries generally have access to specialty directories such as ReferenceUSA that are not otherwise available to the public. A librarian can help you reverse search this database for company listings.
How to Reverse Search for Companies
You usually look up information on a business by searching on the company's name. However, you can also conduct a reverse search on a company by starting with a phone number and identifying the company that uses that number. You can reverse search an address as well. If a simple Internet search on a phone number or address doesn't turn up the desired information, there are several specialty tools you can use to do a reverse search for information on a company.
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