
How to Sell Salon Products

Salons can turn a decent profit from the services they offer. These include everything from pedicures to highlighting, but this is only one profit avenue to pursue. You can also make money from selling hair care and other salon products. This requires much more than just putting the products on display. You must also make an effort to interact with your clients and get the word out to others who might frequent your salon.
    • 1

      Research your client base. Go over your receipts to find out what services and products your customers have purchased in the past, as this will give you some indication of the kind of products that would sell well in your salon. Look up how much your clients earn on average through income data from the Census Bureau and take this into consideration --- along with the manufacturer's suggested retail price --- when pricing your products.

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      Learn everything you can about the products you will sell. Know the manufacturer, ingredients, and primary purpose and use of each product.

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      Put the salon products in an easily accessible location of the salon for clients to see. The display location ideally should be near the waiting area so clients can browse your selection as they wait. When the clients sign in for their appointments, tell them about your product promotional deals or available coupons.

    • 4

      Ask the clients questions about their product needs. For example, if you want to sell hair care products, ask a client getting a haircut what problems she has with her hair or what she enjoys about her current products.

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      Select individual salon products that meet the needs of each client. Use the product on the clients while they are receiving services, or do a quick demonstration on a mannequin. Tell the clients about the products and why you think the product would be a good fit for them. Save pricing information for last.

    • 6

      Offer to sell the product to the clients after your demonstrations. Create a sense of enthusiastic urgency with statements like, "Let's send this product home with you so your hair can have a little peace today." Remind the clients of any sales or promotions that may end soon and result in lost discounts.

    • 7

      Give the clients coupons or promotional ads for the salon product with their service receipts. If they've purchased products, this may motivate them to come back for more. If they haven't made a purchase, the coupon or ad at least will serve as a reminder that the product is available. The clients can pass along the coupon or ad to others if they desire, giving you free advertising.

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