
How to Use a Cobra 29 GTL CB Radio

The Cobra 29 GTL CB radio is primarily a mobile CB with 40 channels. Factory-set operating frequencies range from 26.965 on channel 1 to 27.405 MHz on channel 40. Power output for the CB is 4 watts. Mobile CB radios are two-way communication radios that allow people to talk to each other while traveling on the road. After the Cobra CB is installed in the vehicle, you will be ready to start communicating with other users that have CB radios.
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      Turn on the radio by turning the volume knob counterclockwise. The volume knob is the first knob on the left side of the radio. Tune out noise by turning the second knob, which is the squelch control. Turn this knob counterclockwise. Slowly turn clockwise until you hear the noise again, and then back off until the noise is gone.

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      Turn the CB to channel 19 to sign on using your CB handle (name). The channel knob is on the far right side. The channel selected is displayed on the LED readout. Channel 19 is not a chat channel, but a starting channel to find people. Use other channels to carry on a semi-private chat. Channel 9 is the emergency channel set forth by the FCC and is only used in case of an emergency.

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      Adjust the microphone output using the third knob, which is the dynamike control. This knob is adjusted as you key the mike and talk. Counterclockwise is loud and all the way clockwise will turn off the microphone output so no one can hear you. To adjust this properly, press the black or red button on the right side of the microphone. Hold the button down while talking and release the button when done talking. Ask people on the CB if you are loud enough or too soft for them to hear you. Turn the knob to adjust the output of the microphone.

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      Adjust the RF gain for better reception. Turn the knob clockwise to increase reception or counterclockwise to block out annoying noise that is hindering local reception. Generally, if the squelch is set correctly, you can set the RF gain at the maximum.

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      Use the Delta tune knob, which is the fifth knob from the left, to clean up distortion when a channel or caller is slightly off frequency. In normal operation, the knob is set to the center of the dial. If you have a problem receiving a clear, undistorted signal from someone, move the knob counterclockwise or clockwise to clean up the reception so it is not off channel.

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      Check the switches at the top of the faceplate. The first switch is set at S/RF when transmitting. The second switch is set in the NB/ANL position. The third switch is set on CB and the fourth switch, which is the tone, can be set wherever you are comfortable with it. The last switch makes the lights on the Cobra 29 GTL CB brighter or lighter.

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