A tea party is an opportunity to conduct an elegant social affair. Full House Images/Lifesize/Getty Images
Tea parties are a delightful social experience, popularized by the English but established by years of tradition in many countries from around the world. A tea party offers the opportunity to create an elegant event, in a setting of traditional formality, rather than simply a random gathering of friends. Dressing up and observing the rules of social behavior, while enjoying correctly prepared tea along with light sandwiches and an assortment of sweets will prove an enjoyable experience.
The invitation communicates the degree of formality of the tea party. An engraved invitation or one written with beautiful script on elegant stationary communicates to the recipient that this is a formal occasion. A telephone call or an e-mail does not carry the same weight or set the same tone as one received in the mail. Tea parties are traditionally conducted between 3 and 5 p.m. Saturday is the best day, since your friends are involved so many tasks on weekdays and Sunday is generally a family day. The invitation announces the occasion, requests the pleasure of the guest's company and sets the time and date with an R.S.V.P.
Table Settings
The tea party may be conducted in the garden pergola, dining room or patio. The table is laid with a nice lace or linen tablecloth; and, while china or porcelain is the traditional dinner service, any attractive matching set will suffice. Set a platter at one end of the table with tea service and another platter at the other end of the table with coffee. Set the cups and saucers to the left of the tea or coffee platter. A sugar bowl, milk pitcher, lemon slices and a pitcher of hot water for those who wish to weaken or refresh their tea are the essential items. A saucer set to the left of each table setting and a spoon holder set to the right are very nice touches. The center of the table is reserved for the food.
Decorations and Theme
Colorful flowers or plants set around the table add freshness and vitality to the event. Decoration is sedate and understated while communicating the theme primarily through color. A tea party might take its theme from a holiday, or may celebrate the change of seasons, welcome new neighbors or create an opportunity for socializing with business associates.
Tea and Food
Beforehand, assign a good friend to pour the tea for the guests and start the affair by asking the friend to "do the honors." The hostess or one of her associates usually conducts the pouring of the tea at a party. While the food served at tea parties is light, you can create a varied assortment. Triangular sandwiches with the crusts removed and prepared with deviled egg, salmon, chicken or crab salad or a filler of your choice is appropriate; give the guests a choice of several. A selection of cookies, scones with various fillings, lemon tarts or even chocolate éclairs adds to the enjoyment of the affair.
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