The single white star on the Texas flag symbolizes state unity. VisionsofAmerica/Joe Sohm/Photodisc/Getty Images
The Texas state flag was adopted in 1839 and served as the independent Republic of Texas flag until Texas became a state in 1845. According the Texas Government Code for the state flag, red represents lives lost, military or civilian, by those serving the state; white represents purity, and blue represents valor. In general, the Texas flag, like all state flags, is handled with respect and defers to the U.S. flag when displayed.
Outdoor Flagpole Display
On one flagpole the U.S. flag flies above the Texas flag. flags image by palms from Fotolia.com
All flags and poles should be similar sizes and heights when multiple flags are displayed. The Texas flag should always be to the observer's right of the U.S. flag; if another flag is displayed, such as a military flag, it should be to the observer's right of the state flag. Pole height is equal for different flags, even if the U.S. flag is displayed. The Texas flag is always displayed with the white stripe at the top unless you are sending an extreme distress signal by flying it upside down.
The Texas flag can fly 24 hours a day, even in bad weather, if it is lit during the night and weatherproof; otherwise, it should be raised at sunrise and lowered at sunset. Whenever the state flag is flown at half staff, it should be raised to the top of the flagpole before being lowered for the day.
Outdoor Ceremonial Flag Use
Carry the state flag at the marching right during parades. on the parade image by Alexey Klementiev from Fotolia.com
When displaying a flag from a building on a flagstaff, the flag should be at the top of the staff and at an angle from the building. If the Texas state flag is displayed over a street, it should be vertical with the blue stripe at the top and the white stripe to the left of the red stripe, as viewed by an observer. A state flag on a motor vehicle should be attached to the right fender or chassis if used alone; the state flag moves to the vehicle's left side if the U.S. flag is included.
If the state flag is being carried, it should be held up and fly free. In parades the state flag should be carried at the marching right except when the U.S. flag is present and takes that position.
Indoor Flag Display
Flagstaffs for the state flag may be decorated with gold tassels or cord and the flag may have gold fringe if the flag is permanently mounted. Flags displayed on flagstaffs must be at the top of the staff, and the finial on the staff may only be a star or a spearhead.
If displayed flat, such as on a wall for a backdrop to a speaker's platform, the state flag should be behind and above the speaker. It should be to the right of the U.S. flag if used with a flagstaff.
General Flag Display Guidelines
The Texas flag is only dipped in respect to the U.S. flag. American Flag image by dwight9592 from Fotolia.com
The Texas flag should be displayed on state and national holidays as well as near the entrance of state office buildings. The state flag should not be used to cover or drape anything, including ceilings, statues or vehicles. It also should not be soiled, put in water, touch anything below it or have anything added to it.
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