
Stevia Growing & Processing

Stevia's sweet leaves are many times sweeter than sugar but without the calories. The sweetness is enhanced when the leaves are dried and crushed, and the prepared leaves keep for years.
  • Requirements

    • Stevia is a perennial in frost-free areas and is grown as an annual elsewhere. It needs full sun or partial shade and a sandy, loamy soil that drains freely. Grow it in raised beds or containers if the soil is not well-drained.


    • Set out plants when soil temperatures reach 65 degrees. Stevia grows slowly at first but the growth rate increases after the first month. Use a liquid fertilizer monthly during the growing season. Pick off all the flowers to improve the sweetness of the leaves. Pinching the stem tips results in bushy plants with lots of leaves.


    • Cool weather enhances the sweetness, so wait as long as possible to harvest stevia. Cut and bundle the stems and hang them upside down to dry. Once completely dry rake the leaves from the stems between your fingers and run the leaves through a blender or coffee grinder. The crushed leaves keep for years when stored in an airtight container.

    Liquid Extract

    • To make a liquid extract, steep 1/4 cup of fresh leaves in a cup of warm water for 24 hours. Strain out the leaves and store in the refrigerator.

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