
Types of Goodwill Letters

  • Credit

    • A goodwill removal letter is a letter asking a creditor to remove any harmful information off your credit report.

      In the header, include all contact information and the account number. A standard letter explains the situation and events leading up to the late or missed payments in the past. It also explains the debtor's current account status with the creditor.

      Specifically, give the dates of the information to be removed. Give the name of the specific credit reporting agency reporting the negative information if you are not asking for the information to be removed from all three agencies.

      Remember, removing a damaging credit history is an act of courtesy. Make the letter professional and polite, with a non-demanding tone.


    • A goodwill letter for donations is a letter asking someone or a company to support a specific cause. Money, food and clothing are the most common types of donations given to charities.

      An effective letter will grab the reader's attention in the first paragraph. Introduce the charity and state the purpose of the letter. Give the reader a list of benefits for supporting the charity. Also list of examples of the ways the charity has helped others in the past. For example, if the charity gives out school supplies, advise the reader of the number of children that were recently helped. Explain that the charity is supported by donations, and it is important for people to donate so that the charity can continue to do its part in the community.

      Make the letter friendly and sincere. Advise the donor of the charity's tax status; if donations are tax-deductible, say so. If the letter is on behalf of a religious charity, mention any religious aspects. End the letter with a thank you. Include a copy of the charity's brochure with the letter.

    Adjustment letters

    • A goodwill letter of adjustment is a letter asking a lender or creditor to make adjustments to the terms of a mortgage or a credit card account. The header of the letter contains your complete contact information and the account number.

      In the "Attention" line, address the lender by name. The body of the letter is clear, professional and straight to the point. Be direct with the lender or credit and explain why you are asking for an adjustment on your account. For example, if you would like the credit card company to lower your interest rate, in a professional and courteous tone, advise the company that you have paid your bills according to the contract terms and would like to have your interest rate lowered.

      At the end of the letter, let the recipient know that you are grateful for the company taking the time to read the letter.

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