
Cobra Bites

The cobra is a venomous snake which generally tries to escape from people rather than attack. They will, however, attack and bite if they feel threatened. The king cobra, the largest of these snakes, is very aggressive and may attack for no reason.
  • The Bite

    • There are more than 20 species of cobra. The king cobra is the largest --- growing up to 18.5 feet long. The bite of the king cobra can be more serious than other cobra bites because it carries a larger volume of venom, but the cobra rarely bites unless it feels threatened or startled. Many varieties also spit jets of venom up to 6.5 feet away when they feel cornered.

    Bite Symptoms

    • Before it bites, the cobra will warn with hissing, elevate its head and flare its neck. The king cobra can raise its body up to about 1/3 its body length. The cobra bite will be extremely painful and immediately start swelling. Other symptoms may include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, mental alertness and respiratory failure.

    Bite Treatments

    • Treatment for cobra bites should be immediate and include antivenom, if possible. It is important to know the species of cobra that bit you so you can be treated with the appropriate antivenom.

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