
How to Close an In-Ground Pool in a Warm Climate

Closing a pool in a warm climate is slightly different than closing a pool in a cold climate. There is no reason to drain the pool, and you don't have to worry about any of the pipes or other pool accessories and tools freezing. This makes closing the pool for winter a much easier and more stress-free process. Still, there are several steps to take to make sure the pool is easy to open again the following year.
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      Adjust the chemical balance in the water three to seven days before closing the pool. Use the water test kit to test the water. You want the water to have a 7.2 to 7.6 pH rating, an alkalinity rating of 80 to 120 parts per million (PPM) and a calcium hardness level between 180 and 220 PPM. Add enough bleach to the water to raise the chlorine levels to between 1.0 and 3.0 PPM. Add enough winter algaecide to prevent the growth of algae in your pool. Use about 1 lb. per 10,000 gallons of water.

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      Backwash the pool filter to remove all water from the pump system. Disconnect all filter and pump lines from the pool.

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      Remove all of the accessories from the pool, including ladders, hoses, pumps, skimmer baskets and anything else that sits in the water. Store the items in a safe, dry place. Remove the heater if you have one.

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      Blow out the plumbing lines with a shop vac. Blow all of the water from the pipes back into the pool.

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      Duct tape all hose lines and holes leading into the pool where hoses and filter lines connected. Block return water vents as well.

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      Clean the pool with the pool vacuum and pool skimmer to remove all leaves, sand and dirt from the pool water.

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      Place the cover over the pool. Make sure the cover sits tightly over the pool and will not give, even if someone walks on it.

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