
The Correct Way to Perform CPR

CPR has been known to save lives, and it is very important that everyone learn how to perform it. Even if a person has learned CPR in the past, CPR classes should be revisited since the process has changed over the years. If CPR is not performed in the correct way, it could not only fail to help someone, but it could potentially cause further damage.
    • 1

      Ask the victim if he is OK. If there is no reply, yell for help and request somebody to call 911. The chances for survival drastically increase when professionals attend the victim.

    • 2

      Place the victim carefully on her back if she is not already there.

    • 3

      Gently tilt the victim's head back by lifting the chin with two fingers while you guide the forehead back with two fingers. This will open the victim's airway. If the victim appears to have a neck or head injury, do not move the head.

    • 4

      Check for breaking once airway is open by placing your ear near the victim's nose. If the victim is breathing, do not give rescue breaths.

    • 5

      Take in a normal breath. Do not take in a deep breath to give a rescue breath. Pinch the victim's nose shut with your fingers, and place your mouth over the victim's mouth. Blow two full breaths inside the victim's mouth. You should be able to see the chest rise. If the chest does not rise, make sure the head is back and the airway is open. Avoid giving long and forceful breaths.

    • 6

      Kneel down next to the victim's chest. Place two fingers at the bottom of the victims' ribs and then move your fingers up the chest to the point where the ribcage meets the middle of the chest. This is the victim's sternum.

    • 7

      Place heal of either hand on the sternum. Place free hand on top of your other hand and interlock your fingers. Make sure your fingers are not on the ribcage.

    • 8

      Lean directly over the sternum and lock your elbows. Press downward hard, and then allow the chest to come up to its natural position, but don't take your hands off the chest. Give 30 compressions for every two breaths of air you give the victim.

    • 9

      Continue doing CPR until the ambulance arrives or the victim begins breathing on their own.

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