
How to Read & Learn the Quran

The Qur'an is to Islam as the Bible is to Christianity; it is the guiding document through which Muslims learn about their faith. Believed to be the message of God's word, delivered by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad, the 114 chapters of the Qur'an have not been changed or revised since it was first collected in the early 7th Century C.E. The sheer size and scope can be intimidating to neophytes, but burgeoning interest in Islam has produced many tools available to new scholars of its sacred document.
    • 1

      Start with a basic, non-biased outline of the Qur'an to familiarize yourself with the basic beliefs of Islam, the key points of the text and the central message of the Qur'an before grappling with the text itself. ThinkQuest.org provides a brief summation of the Qur'an, as well as a list of key figures in Islam, an explanation of important Islamic holy days and sites that are sacred to all Muslims. An understanding of Islam at its most basic level will add depth and clarity to your reading of the text.

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      Read a few pages of different translations of the Qur'an to see which telling captures your attention. It is believed by both Muslims and non-Muslims that the Qur'an is the most beautiful text ever written in Arabic, so look at several different translations to see which one stirs both your soul, imagination and curiosity.

    • 3

      Seek out other scholars to help you in your studies of the Qur'an. Many community and state colleges offer courses in Religious Studies; see if you can audit a class that focuses on Islam and the Qur'an. If there is a mosque or an Islamic center in your area, ask if there is a reading group for new Qur'an scholars, or speak with a mullah who will have extensive knowledge of the Qur'an.

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