Humidifiers can help soothe colds, dry throat, dry sinuses, dry skin, cracked lips and bloody noses. However, if the humidifiers are not cleaned properly and on a regular basis, they will grow bacteria and mold that would cause even more health problems. Clean humidifiers naturally and continue to receive the benefits of using them.
Distilled Water
Distilled water is cleaner than tap water and helps prevent mineral deposits, which can help keep the humidifier clean naturally. If you use distilled water in your humidifier, you will only have to clean it once a week. If you use tap water, you will need to clean the humidifier every three days. Distilled water can be bought at your local grocery store. If it is too expensive to use distilled water, use tap water and make sure you clean it every three days. Write it on your calendar to help you remember when it needs to be cleaned.
Change the Water
The best natural way to clean humidifiers is to change the water every day no matter what kind of water you use in the humidifiers. It is important for the water to be clean at all times. Replace it with fresh water to avoid having bacteria and mold grow in the humidifier, which will then put it in your breathing air. If this happens you, will most likely experience flu-like symptoms, asthma or allergy complications, Legionnaire's disease, humidifier fever, inflammation of the lungs or other respiratory problems. If you think you or a family member could have health problems from the humidifier, make an appointment with your physician right away.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Before cleaning the humidifier drain, remove all water from it and take it apart so you can clean every spot with ease. Use a paper towel to wipe out and dry the inside of the tank. Use a cleaning solution of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, which can be found at local pharmacies or online. Scrub the humidifier with a soft-bristled cleaning brush and the cleaning solution. Rinse thoroughly before using again. Use this method every time you clean your humidifier.
Filters and Cartridges
Replace the filters or cartridges according to the directions that they come with. If you are not sure when to change the humidifier's filter or cartridge, it would be best to buy a new one and read the directions. Mark on your calendar when the filter or cartridge needs to be changed so you won't forget.
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