
Paraffin Candle Hazards

    • Candlelight is a beautiful thing, but it can also be dangerous. Gary Yeowell/Photodisc/Getty Images

      Whether setting the stage for a romantic candlelit dinner or acting as mood lighting creating a spooky, sexy or intimate atmosphere, candlelight is beautiful, heartwarming and fascinating to watch. However, it can also be a dangerous choice. The toxins and soot emitted are unhealthy to breathe, and the production of paraffin candles is based on a nonrenewable resource. The good news is that there are more environmentally friendly choices to choose from in the form of soy, vegetable and beeswax candles.

    Toxins and Carcinogens


    • Soot is not only aesthetically unappealing, but it is also unhealthy to breathe. scoop of soot image by bright from Fotolia.com

      Because paraffin candles are made from a carbon-based fuel, black soot is produced when they are burned. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency points out that airborne soot can be inhaled, allowing particles to infiltrate the deepest parts of the lungs and the lower respiratory tract. According to the EPA, sooting can be minimized by keeping wicks short, avoiding drafts and burning unscented candles, as scented candles tend to give off more soot. Soy, vegetable and beeswax candles also tend to burn off less soot than paraffin.

    Nonrenewable Resource

    Burns and Fire

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