
Dedicated Linux Server Hosting

Off-site server hosting services are offered as virtual or dedicated hosts. A dedicated host means that only one client is served by one physical server. A dedicated Linux host is a dedicated server running the Linux operating system.
  • Features

    • Standard features for a dedicated Linux host include a dedicated IP address and root access to the server. Other features that may be offered include additional IP addresses, a Web accessible interface and limited application support.


    • An off-site, dedicated host can save a company money by taking care of the costs of the hardware, dedicated Internet connection and assorted maintenence costs.


    • A dedicated Linux host is far more expensive than a shared host. If the hardware fails on a dedicated host, the client depends on the hosting service to fix the hardware.


    • Virtual hosting hosts multiple clients on one physical server. Virtual hosting is cheaper than a dedicated host but offers less security and no physical control over the server. Businesses also have the option of hosting servers at their own location. This guarantees that the business has physical access to their own servers but can be costly if hosting for many servers in one location.

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