
DVD Editing Information

DVD editing software allows you to convert, author, edit and create your own DVD media projects. The media projects can then be burned to recordable DVD media or used on a computer or mobile device.
  • Video Editing

    • With DVD editing software, you can edit and manipulate the video files on a DVD media. You can use the video editing software to add or remove parts of the media project, adjust lighting or even crop certain areas of video.

    DVD Features

    • DVD editing software is a popular tool for creating and inserting additional features into DVD or video projects. Some DVD editing applications allow you to create templates, custom themes, transitional effects and menus.

    Audio Features

    • You can also use a DVD editing software application to change or add additional audio features. Some of the features found in different DVD editing software titles include the ability to add custom audio, multiple audio streams for different languages and subtitles.

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