
Frame of Reference & Effective Communication

Frame of reference refers to your life experiences and how they influence interpretations of verbal and nonverbal communications. Effective communication requires listeners to empathize with a communicator's frame of reference and vice versa.
  • Significance

    • A person's life experiences influence the values the person holds in a word. For instance, family will have a different meaning to a person from a dysfunctional family than someone who grew up in a loving, nurturing family. Understanding another person's frame of reference fosters effective communication by avoiding miscommunication created by the differing values of the communicator and the listener.


    • Asking questions is a good way to understand another person's frame of reference. For example, a man might get upset with his girlfriend because he feels she acts too motherly. To help resolve the issue, the woman can ask "What behaviors give off the motherly vibe to you?"


    • Frame of reference serves as only one element to effective communication. Other obstacles to overcome for effective communication include poor atmosphere, defensive responses and emotional stubbornness.

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