
How to Bring Home a New Baby With a 3-Year-Old

If you are expecting another child and already have a 3-year-old at home, you may be feeling a little anxious about how he is going to react when the new baby comes home. He may be going through many different emotions right now and maybe you are, too. There are many ways to help make this transition smoother for both of you. By involving your toddler as much as possible in caring for her new sibling, she will feel special and needed --- making her more excited about being a big sister.
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      Take your 3-year-old with you to your doctor's appointments. This will help her understand more clearly what is going on inside of you. Let her listen to the baby's heartbeat and see the ultrasounds with you and explain to her that she was once in your belly, too. Tell her how excited you were for her to come and how much you loved her before you even saw her.

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      Take him shopping with you for baby items and have him pick out a gift that he would like to give the new baby when it comes. Have him choose an outfit or toy and let him wrap it all by himself. Let him bring it to the hospital to give the baby or have him present it in private when the baby comes home.

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      Involve your 3-year-old in some of your baby preparation decisions. Ask her for some name suggestions or get her opinion on what color the baby's room should be and how you should decorate it. She will feel proud if she feels that she had a hand in helping you prepare for the new baby.

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      Communicate with him often. Ask how he is feeling about being a big brother and what he is hoping for when the new baby comes. Talk with him about what it will be like to have a newborn in the house and positively address any concerns that he may have. The more exciting you make it sound, the more enthusiastic he will be.

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      Plan a few special days before the baby comes and spend quality time with your 3-year-old. Having a few fun-filled outings will show her how special she is to you and how much you enjoy spending time with her. Keep this tradition going once the baby comes and set aside time some quality time on a regular basis with your toddler. Ask a friend or relative if she could sit with the baby while you enjoy some one-on-one time with your 3-year-old.

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