
How to Hunt Wild Mushrooms in Texas

Hunting wild mushrooms in Texas is possible at almost any time of the year, as long as there is enough rainfall. It is very important to know how to distinguish edible wild mushrooms from the toxic and poisonous varieties if you are hunting mushrooms for food.
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      Decide which area in Texas you want to hunt wild mushrooms. Texas has many favorable places for wild mushroom hunting including the Hill Country, semi-dry and desert areas of West Texas and the forest terrains of East Texas.

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      Obtain written permission from relevant officials for hunting wild mushrooms in federal or state controlled lands, such as national or state parks, forests and preserves. When hunting on private property, get permission from the owner, caretaker or other authorized individual.

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      Ready your hunting gear. Have a paper bag for collecting mushrooms, a knife to cut mushrooms off tree branches and a digging tool to cut them from the ground. Dress in long-sleeved shirts and long pants to avoid cuts and bruises. Wear a hat or scarf to keep off insects. A pair of rubber boots or hiking shoes is also important for protection. If you are mushroom hunting in rainy weather, make sure that you carry an insect repellent as these conditions attract mosquitoes and ticks.

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      Look closely for wild mushrooms on the ground once you reach the hunting spot. After spotting a mushroom, dig it up carefully and replace the hole with leaves and mud. Put the mushroom in a paper bag.

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      Identify the mushroom with the help of the guide book.

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      Discard a mushroom if you are not sure of its edibility. There are many poisonous wild mushrooms that resemble edible species, and an erroneous judgment can be life threatening. It is crucial that you are well-informed, to ensure safe mushroom hunting.

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