
How to Improve Vision Without Glasses

Although glasses can help offset problems such as farsightedness and nearsightedness, some people find it necessary to improve their vision without glasses. Contacts are an alternative to glasses that offer vision correction without the discomfort of wearing glasses. Eye exercises can also provide some help to people who are experiencing vision problems due to eye strain. Consult an eye doctor if you experience prolonged eye strain or a rapid loss of vision.
  • Contacts

    • 1

      Visit an eye care specialist and obtain a prescription for contacts. This will usually include an eye exam.

    • 2

      Order contacts through your insurance company or the eye care specialist's office. Selecting the right pair of contacts will make the experience much more pleasant. Some people prefer disposable contacts, while others prefer contacts that you can wear for two weeks at a time.

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      Place the contact over your eye as instructed by the eye care specialist. Follow the care instructions for your contacts to ensure proper eye health.

    Eye Exercises

    • 1

      Wash your face and eyes by filling your palms with cold water and submerging your eyes in them. Blink several times.

    • 2

      Cover your eyes with your palms without applying pressure. Focus on the darkness created by your hands and try to relax your whole body.

    • 3
      Moving and holding your eye in different directions can provide relief from strain. eye image by Stanisa Martinovic from Fotolia.com

      Move your eyes in one direction, i.e. to the left, and hold for five seconds. Repeat this motion five times, and then perform the exercise in at least four different directions. Blink several times after each direction. These exercises will help to keep your eyes refreshed. (Reference 1)

    • 4

      Focus your eyes on an object near your face, such as a pen or your finger, for several seconds, then immediately focus on an object far away, such as your neighbor's windows. Perform 10 repetitions and then blink several times.

    Eye Massage

    • 1

      Wash your face and hands with cool water.

    • 2

      Rub your forehead, neck and cheeks with a towel soaked in hot/warm water. Do not rub your eyes with the towel.

    • 3

      Massage your eyes and forehead with your fingertips. Be sure to use a very light touch. Stop if you feel any pain in your eyes while massaging.

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