
How to Remove a Mold Smell in a Drain

Your sink and bathtub drain are exposed to all kinds of substances. Food, grease, moisturizing hair and body products can all build-up in your drain. As build-up occurs, it attracts dirt, which in turn attracts mold and mildew. Once mold begins to grow in your drain, an unpleasant odor can emit from your drain, even when your sink or bathtub surfaces are sparkling clean. Clean your drain regularly to prevent mold smell and help your sink or tub smell, as well as look, clean.
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      Pour 1 cup baking soda down your drain. Allow the baking soda to sit in the drain for 20 minutes. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and will begin working immediately.

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      Add 1 cup white vinegar to your drain. The vinegar and baking soda will react, chemically, by foaming. The combination cuts grease in your drain, breaks down food particles and kills mold and mildew. Let the mixture sit in your drain for 20 minutes.

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      Boil water in a pot, then slowly pour it down your drain. The boiling water rinses away the vinegar and baking soda, as well as grease and grime that has been loosened.

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      Lemon juice deodorizes and cleans your drain. Lemon juice image by Monika 3 Steps Ahead from Fotolia.com

      Pour 1/2 cup lemon juice down the drain if any mold smell remains. Lemon is also a natural deodorizer and mold killer. Leave the lemon juice in the drain for a minimum of 20 minutes or until you next use your sink, then rinse with plain water.

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