
Weight Training Routines for Men

  • Cariovascular and Weight Routines

    • Burn fat and lose weight while gaining strength by utilizing a combination cardiovascular and weight training routine. Use all muscle groups in this routine, but not necessarily on the same day. Typical routines start with five minutes of warm up activity, such as walking or riding on a stationary bike. Follow that with a rotation of cardiovascular workouts interspersed with weight resistance training. Running, jumping rope or fast-paced biking works well for cardiovascular training. Use less weight and more reps when lifting. A cross-training combination of free weights, machine lifting and other resistance training options like calisthenics works best.

    Muscle Building Routines

    • Exercise with weights in muscle building routines to gain lean muscle mass. In these routines, you will over time gain weight and strength. Lift more weight using fewer reps. Conclude a workout with a burn set. Use enough weight that allows you to lift for 15 to 20 reps, and do a total of 40 reps. Accomplish this by lifting as many times as you can, then take a short rest. Keep lifting until you reach 40 reps. Focus on one or two muscle groups a day with this routine.

    Strength Focus Routines

    • Increase your strength and power using the strength focus routines that many athletes utilize. Like muscle building routines, you do fewer reps with more weight. In strength training you also increase the amount of weight each time you perform an exercise. Focus on explosive power when lifting, adding speed to your reps. A combination of free weights and machine exercises works best because each focuses your muscles in a different way.

    Individual Muscle Group Routines

    • Target specific muscle groups you struggle with. Perform a variety of exercises with those muscles, working them at different angles. For example, train the bicep by starting with seated one-arm curls using a dumbbell. Then use a machine and two, two-handed curls. Move your hands closer or farther apart to work the bicep at different angles. You can perform individual muscle group routines for other areas like your shoulders, legs and chest.

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